Tools of Systems Thinking – Foundational Course
Mode of Delivery: Online (Immersive Learning)
Course Duration: 3 weeks
Cohort Size: 20 participants
Course Summary: This is an immersive three-week learning course designed for those who have some familiarity with systems thinking but are looking for an opportunity to do a deep dive and learn from experienced practitioners. The course is focused on making the participants learn and apply the tools (individually and via group work). The participants would undergo an iterative learning process – learn, apply, revise, learn, apply. They would be given weekly assignments which they need to submit online and then present in the next class. There would be one session on each weekend and one session of office hours on a weekday evening for clearing doubts/addressing questions. A total of seven contact sessions over three weeks totaling up to 12 hours are planned. Participants are expected to put in 3 hours of self-learning time every week in addition to the contact sessions.
Course Objectives:
a) To make participants gain the foundational knowledge of systems thinking
b) To introduce the tools of systems thinking
c) To make participants apply the tools of systems thinking
d) To demonstrate the real world applicability of systems thinking
At the end of the course the participants will be able to:
a) Use systems thinking to go beyond and deeper into problem symptoms
b) Develop a dynamic view of events or problems they see in the real world
c) Begin to map the causal structures behind these dynamics
Upon completion of the course the participants will get a certificate of completion.
Course Fee:
For working professionals – INR 15,000/- (+ 18% GST in case of Indian company sponsored candidates)
For full time students – INR 10,000/-
System Dynamics Society members should sign up through this link to avail of the member discount
Course Plan
Session 1: Introduction and Systems Thinking Framework
1.1. Course Overview
1.2. Introduction to Systems Thinking
1.3. Systems Thinking Framework
1.4. What is a System
1.5. Tools of Systems Thinking I
1.6. Assignment
Session 2: Office Hours (For clarifying doubts & queries related to assignments)
Session 3: Presentations and Feedback
3.1. Participants presenting their work
3.2. Feedback and Group Discussion
3.3. Tools of Systems Thinking II
3.4. Assignment
Session 4: Office Hours (For clarifying doubts & queries related to assignments)
Session 5: Tying up the Tools
5.1. Participants presenting their work
5.2. Feedback and Group Discussion
5.3. Introduction to Structure- Behaviour Relationship
5.4. Assignment
Session 6: Office Hours (For clarifying doubts & queries related to assignments)
Session 7: Synthesizing the Learning
7.1. Participants presenting their work
7.2 Feedback and Group Discussion
7.3. Real world applications of Systems Thinking
7.4 Discussion and Q&A