
Journal Papers:

  •  Identifying Climate Adjacency for Enhancing Climate Action Using Systems Thinking and Modelling. Sharma, K.; Mathur, M. 2021. Systems, 9, 83. . Link to paper here.

  • Sustainable alternative futures for agriculture in India—the energy, emissions, and resource implications. Ashok,K., Natarajan, R., Kumar, P., Sharma, K., Mathur, M. 2021. Environmental Research Letters, Volume 16, Number 6.

  • Reaching out? Governing weather and climate services (WCS) for farmers. Trond Vedeld, Hege Hofstad, Mihir Mathur, Patrick Büker, Frode Stordal. Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 104, 2020, Pages 208-216, ISSN 1462-9011, (

  • Response to comments by Geevan, Dixit and Silori. Ecology, Economy and Society 2(1) 131-138. 2019. Mathur, M. and Sharma, K. 2019.

  • How can co-creation improve the engagement of farmers in weather and climate services (WCS) in India. 2019. Vedeld, T., Mathur, M., Bharti, N. Climate Services. 100103, ISSN 2405-8807, (

  • Modelling the Economics of Grassland Degradation in Banni using System Dynamics. 2018. Mathur, M. and Sharma, K. 2018. Ecology, Economy and Society 1(2)

  • Water for electricity in India: A multi-model study of future challenges and linkages to climate change mitigation. 2017. Srinivasan, S., Kholod, N., Chaturvedi, V., Ghosh, P.P., Mathur, R., Clarke, L., Evans, M., Hejazi, M., Kanudia, A., Koti, P.N., Liu, B., Parikh, K.S., Sahil Ali, M., Sharma, K. 2017. Applied Energy, 2017. ISSN 0306-2619. doi:

  • Sustainability Dynamics of Resource Use and Economic Growth: A Discussion on Sustaining the Dynamic Linkages between Renewable Resources and Economic System. Mathur M, Agarwal S. 2016. Mother Pelican, A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability (

  • Carbon Neutral Village/Cluster: Conceptual Framework for Envisioning Carbon Neutral Village/Cluster. Mathur M. and Awasthi S. (April 2016), Current Science, Vol. 110, No. 7.

  • Sustainability Dynamics of Resource Use and Economic Growth: A Discussion on Sustaining the Dynamic Linkages between Renewable Resources and Economic System. Mathur M, Agarwal S, (January 2016), TERI, New Delhi. (Translated in Russian Language for Karelian scientific Journal by Prof. Oleg Yarygin, Togliatti State University, No 4(13), ISSN 2311-0104)

Book Chapters:

Conference Papers:

  • Mathur, M and Sharma, K. Identifying Climate Adjacency using Participatory Systems Thinking. International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Virtually Chicago.   2021.

  • Sharma, K., Mathur, M., Hiremath, J., Vanak, A.T., Mehta, N., Niphadkar, M., Thorat, O., Ravi, R. Building insights in Complex Social-Ecological Systems: A Case from the Banni Grasslands in India. Conference Record of The 2020 Conference of the System Dynamics Society.

  • Mathur M, Starting a System Dynamics Consulting Firm: Learnings from 1000 days of Consulting, International System Dynamics Conference, Virtual 3D, Bergen, 2020

  • Sharma, K., Mathur, M., Hiremath, J., Vanak, A.T., Mehta, N., Niphadkar, M., Thorat, O., Ravi, R., Shresth, S. 2018. Modelling Dynamics of Prosopis juliflora in Banni, India, using a Land-Biomass Simulation Model. Presented as Work-in-Progress at International Conference of System Dynamics Society, Iceland, 2018.

  • Sharma, K. Mathur, M., Hiremath, J., Vanak, A.T., Mehta, N., Niphadkar, M., Thorat, O., Ravi, R., Shresth, S. Modeling Coupled Human-Natural Systems in Banni Grassland, India using Participatory System Dynamics. Student Conference in Conservation Science (SCCS), IISc, Bengaluru, Sept 2018.

  • Mathur, M, Sharma, K., Hiremath, J., Vanak, A.T., Mehta, N., Niphadkar, M., Thorat, O., Ravi, R., Shresth, S. 2018. Modeling Coupled Human and Natural Systems in Banni Grassland, India, for Multi-Stakeholder Engagement and Consensus Building. Presented as Work-in-Progress at International Conference of System Dynamics Society, Iceland, 2018.

  • Mathur, M., Sharma, K., Thorat, O., Ravi, R., Shresth, S. , Hiremath, J., Vanak, A.T., Mehta, N., Niphadkar, M. 2018. Understanding Changes in Governance Systems of Banni Grassland, in India. Presented as Work-in-Progress at International Conference of System Dynamics Society, Iceland, 2018.

  • Mathur M, Werner K, Ballard, E, Priyadarshini P, Socio-Ecological Approach to Livelihood: From Theory to Proof of Concept. Presented as Work-in-Progress at International System Dynamics Conference, International System Dynamics Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland 2018
  • Mahadevan, B., Mathur, M., Subramaniam, A. Modelling Impacts of Climate Change Risks and Adaptation Responses in Oil Refineries in India. Feedback Session, International Conference of System Dynamics Society, Iceland, 2018.

  • Mathur, M. and Sharma, K. 2018. Modelling the Economics of Grassland Degradation in Banni using System Dynamics. Proceedings of Asia Pacific System Dynamics Conference of the System Dynamics Society, NUS, Singapore, February 2017:; and Proceedings of Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) 9th Biennial Conference, Thrissur, India, 2017. Also Presented at Economics of Adaptation CARIAA workshop, TERI University, New Delhi Jan 2017& Living Lightly: Journeys with Pastoralists, 1st National Conference on Pastoralism, New Delhi Dec 2016)

  • Mathur, Mihir and Sharma, Kabir. 2016. Modeling Sustainability Scenarios of Renewable Natural Resources and Economic Growth using System Dynamics. 2017. Proceedings of Asia Pacific System Dynamics Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Singapore, February 2017:

  • Mathur, Mihir and Sharma, Kabir. 2016. Modelling Urban Carrying Capacity and Measuring Quality of Life using System Dynamics. Presented at 8th Biennial Conference of Indian Society for Ecological Economics(INSEE), Bangalore, 2016. Also published as a TERI Discussion Paper, TERI, New Delhi:

  • Mathur, M., Sharma, K., Parekh, S, Bisht, A. 2016. Modelling Economic Policies for Sustainable Consumption of Natural Resources: A System Dynamics Approach. Presented at 8th Biennial Conference of Indian Society for Ecological Economics(INSEE), IISc, Bangalore, 2016. Abstract available at

  • Mathur M, Agarwal S, (October 2015) Sustainability Dynamics of Resource Use and Economic Growth: A Discussion on Sustaining the Dynamic Linkages between Renewable Resources and Economic System, TERI, New Delhi (Annual Conference of System Dynamics Society of India, IIT Mumbai, October 2015)

  • Lee, Yi-Kang and Sharma, Kabir. 2013. TRIPOLI-4 Gamma-Ray Dose Calculation for Spent PWR Fuels. Proceedings of International Conference on Nuclear Engineering- 21 at Chengdu, China, 2013, American Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2013. doi: 10.1115/ICONE21-15498.

Articles in Magazines, Newspapers and Online Platforms:

  1.  Climate Mitigation vs. Adaptation. India Development Review. Nov 25, 2022. Read Here.

  2. The Unintended Consequences of Solutions to Climate Change. India Development Review. Aug 12, 2022. Read Here.

  3. Are you too young to be worried about climate change? Hindustan Times. 18 July 2016. Read Here.

  4. Red alert: Why we need to act now to counter the challenges of climate change. Firstpost. 6 June 2016. Read Here.

  5. Curbing Consumption is the Only Way Out to Avoid Climate Change. The Wire. 6 October 2015. Read Here.

  6. Sustainable development and de-growth. net . 9 October 2015. Read Here.

  7. Weatherproofing Farmers Through Climate Services. Linkedin Article. 23 January 2018. Read Here.

  8. The case of vanishing grasslands of Banni, Kutch. LinkedIn Article. 15 January 2018. Read Here.

  9. Challenge of Policy Making for Climate Change Adaptation. LinkedIn Article. 3 October 2016. Read Here.

Other Publications:

  • Mathur M, (May 2013) Energy Myths: Challenging Paradigms, WOTR, Pune.


  • Mathur M, (Feb 2011) Peak Oil, The Carbon Climax: End of Hydrocarbon Legacy, WOTR, Pune.

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Mathur M, (Feb 2011) Estimating local money multiplier of Rural Enterprises in villages of Maharashtra, WOTR, Pune. 
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